Monday, April 18, 2011

I Have Arrived!!!

Well, sort of ! My "calendar days" have been posted at "CreateMixedMedia", and there is a direct link to my blog if you click on one of the numbers. You absolutely MUST go take a look! The colors are a little different from my original artwork, but it's so completely cool to be on a page with so many other respected mixed media artists!

Here is the link to the website:

How cool is this??? Very cool... Very, very cool !!

Monday, April 11, 2011

My First Art Show and Sale!

So with everything else that's going on this month, at the end of the month I have my very first art show/sale here at Miami University in beautiful Oxford, Ohio! My bracelets even made the flyer! I'm pretty excited about this, and will have to put it in high gear to get all of the beads made into bracelets before April 30th. My friend, Anne, and I are sharing table space, and she has a beautiful sense of design when it comes to laying out her jewelry, pottery and stained glass, so I know she will find a great place for my bracelets too!

Can you tell I'm pretty excited about this?

I have finally finished my artwork that was needed for the site. I have had a few roadblocks thrown in this month, and I was just a little behind, but Tonia Davenport at North Light Craft was such a big help. My artwork will appear at the site from April 17th through April 23, 2011. I can't wait to see it, and I hope you will stop by to see the "calendar" on April 17th. Here's the website address: